View Full Version : Wall hosted vs. unhosted family error

2009-02-10, 03:36 PM
I have two families, one is wall hosted & one is not hosted. In both families the same annotation symbol is loaded in. In the wall hosted version I am able to change the type with a Label parameter & it works fine. However, in the un-hosted version, I can choose a different type but graphically it does not change.

Any ideas as to what's going on?


2009-02-10, 04:06 PM
Its because in the unhosted file, the annotation Label Parameter is instanced, it needs to be Type...

EDIT: Whoops, nevermind... the other one is like that too, and it works...

2009-02-10, 04:43 PM
Yeah that's what is bugging the heck out of me is that everything I can see they are exactly the same with the exception of one being hosted & one not.

2009-02-10, 07:16 PM
And I guess that nobody has any idea as to why this does not work properly. I've tried replicating it again & it happens every time I load that annotation family into any unhosted type of family. Anyone have any insite?