View Full Version : shared family not acting like one

2009-02-10, 08:58 PM
I have nested a shared family into a new window family and then inserted 3 instances of it using two (2) different sizes. The center is a large unit and is flanked by two narrower units. Once inserted into the project it only creates one tag - not three.

what is wrong with this family? Or, can I even have multiple types of the same family schedule as shared in the first place?


ps. the window famliy is based on one that Scott Hopkins created and shared on this website.

pps. why, when I subscribe to threads I post, do I often not get "instant email notifications"? Anyone else have this problem?

2009-02-10, 09:03 PM
Try hitting tab. I can tag either all three or each individual unit.

2009-02-10, 09:32 PM
yeah, that's not working for me. The tab only displays the original (pre-sharing) one tag for all three units, or for the wall, but not the individual units.

And, now my schedule is showing the ganged unit (original tag) and three individual units. So, now I am confused as to why that is happening. Can you shed some light on that?

Scott Womack
2009-02-11, 11:26 AM
yeah, that's not working for me. The tab only displays the original (pre-sharing) one tag for all three units, or for the wall, but not the individual units.

And, now my schedule is showing the ganged unit (original tag) and three individual units. So, now I am confused as to why that is happening. Can you shed some light on that?

I have not had time to download the family to diagnose due to deadlines. The reason you are seeing (4) windows in your schedule is that when the nested families are nested into a family of the same catagory, the host family, and all of the nested families will schedule, you are in effect placing 4 windows, even though one contains the 3 nested windows.

The trick is to put a type comment in the host window, or in the nested types, which ever you do NOT want to schedule, then you can filter the windows schedule to exclude the window(s) you do not want to appear in the schedule.

There are some clunky work-a-rounds if you want information from all 4 to appear on one line of the schedule, but I'd advise against those as not being good practice.