View Full Version : Enable 3D Tools

2009-02-10, 10:41 PM
First Wish (serious):
3D tools should be FULLY enabled for next Mech version.

Because I found that some of 3d tools are disabled with Mech 2009 version. for example:

User may need them to do 3d tasks on a drawing while working on Mech environment as 3d tools are fully functional in vanilla version.

Second Wish (optional) :roll::
The Current & Future Mech Versions should provide helps to keep users' job during the finance hard time.
For example:
If users were forced to leave their workplace because of their company's financial situation, Autocad on their pc would display a watermark (shown below) AUTOMATICALLY unless the boss asks them to return to work:

I Beg (user's name) Return to Work!

:lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

2009-03-12, 09:22 PM
Hi BoKirra,

Based on direct work experience with the AutoCAD Mechanical team (which I was a part of until recently), I would be very surprised if support for the legacy commands was removed without replacing them with new commands with equivalent or greater functionality (and that is only after the new commands have been available for at least a release).

I am not familiar with the two commands you referred to - but it sounds like they have to do with section views. If that is correct, I would suggest checking out the command AMSECTIONLINE command in AutoCAD Mechanical 2009 (and later) if you haven't already done so - hopefully, it will serve your purposes.

If that doesn't work for you, you may want to post a message in Autodesk's Support Discussion Forum for AutoCAD Mechanical at http://discussion.autodesk.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=39 (if you haven't already done so). Somebody there might be able to help you.

Hope that helps,


2009-06-30, 03:48 PM
I second having these tools enabled and expanding functionality of a great product instead of leaving a great fan of the product hands tied with lack of functionality.

FYI: AMSECTIONLINE is not a 3D-based command; only used for annotating orthographic 2D views instead.