View Full Version : Always detach from central for non revit people?

2009-02-10, 10:52 PM
Is there a way I setup a workstation to always detach from central on open? I'd like to make the whole process error proof for folks reviewing (not working on) our models.

2009-02-10, 11:39 PM
You could use Windows permissions and make the network drive read only for those you only want to view the models.

This would allow them to view the models, but detach them from the central file and never be able to updated it.

2009-02-10, 11:40 PM
I don't think there is an automatic way to ensure this.
The best way would be to only allow them access to a CAD file, or have them contact you directly to have access to the file, which you then send them a detached model.

Failing that perhaps you could just ensure all elements are signed out before letting them have access that way they can't edit.

I don't like engineers or non-drafters muddling around in my model, it's just asking for trouble all it takes is a drag and drop and you're wondering why that footing with all the walls attached to it is now 300mm off grid and what else moved with it???

2009-02-11, 12:31 AM
It is possible to create a script that could be an icon on the desktop that would automatically create a detached copy of the Central File. While this IS possible, there are several points worth considering:

Creating scripts involves a wee bit of programming. It means accessing Revit's journal files, parsing out the steps needed, and setting up the icon to trigger it all. Not difficult, per se, but not for the typical end user.

Also, these can easily get complicated on anything beyond a simple task (your goal is relatively simple, I agree) and debugging/troubleshooting these routines can easily negate the productivity of them.

Also, a functioning script in one version can easily be non-functioning in a newer version/build. Again, can easily negate the productivity of them, if workflow processes get built around their reliability.

Educate the staff who are not actively modeling to ALWAYS detach from Central. If it's how the process is defined for them, it can become engrained. Besides, 'fool proof' as a concept ain't really fooling anyone, right? [grin]

2009-02-11, 04:56 PM
the simple solution is to go to the central file, do not open it, just highlight the icon, and copy the file. Do not open and save as. Then paste the clipboard in the desired location and name it something else. It will never update so it is kind of a one time shot. You will get an error message when you first open the file. We use this process when we do off-site presentations on projects. When we are done we delete the dummy file so it never gets back into the system. I use batch files to push these onto the users computer so the central file is kept intact and safe.

2009-02-11, 06:11 PM
Alternative: Educate the staff... 'fool proof' as a concept ain't really fooling anyone, right?

Nancy, thank you for taking that position. IMHO we see far too much effort made toward fool-proofing where learning is a much better solution.


2009-02-11, 06:15 PM
I've always "unlicensed" the Revit installations (put in demo mode) for people who should not be modifying the model - "viewers". Other than that, they open their files the same as everyone else using our modifed copy of the "Local Copy Routine" that was originally posted on AUGI.

In addition, detach from Central is an option on the dialog for our Local Copy Routine - just in case a "normal" user has the need to open a "safe" copy. Our users do understand the different ways of opening a Revit model. I do agree that educating people on the proper procedure to open files is very important.

William Troeak
2009-02-11, 06:18 PM
I agree with Nancy and Jay on this, you must educate the entire staff on the use of Revit. But in the mean time have you tried using exporting to 2d and 3d DWF? This will allow the reviewers to open the files and mark them up and give feed back with out interfering with the work flow. They don't even need Revit, all they need on there computer is Autodesk Design Review.

2009-02-11, 06:34 PM
bc, I just did a search anyone know where the "Local Copy Routine" might be on the forum?

2009-02-11, 06:34 PM
We use the 2D & 3D DWFs and viewers and the principals love it. They even use it for client working sessions.

There is always someone who forgets to detach from central, unless there is some urgent need to have them use Revit to look at the file use the DWF option.

2009-02-11, 06:41 PM
Here is a link to the discussion on Transparent Local File Creation:


2009-02-11, 06:47 PM
the simple solution is to go to the central file, do not open it, just highlight the icon, and copy the file. Do not open and save as. Then paste the clipboard in the desired location and name it something else. It will never update so it is kind of a one time shot. You will get an error message when you first open the file. We use this process when we do off-site presentations on projects. When we are done we delete the dummy file so it never gets back into the system. I use batch files to push these onto the users computer so the central file is kept intact and safe.

So any new users reading do not get confused, doing the above does NOT create a disassociated file that is UNlinked to the central file.

rrothwel, if that is the procedure you use for going off site, it is working and staying unlinked, ONLY because you are off site.

If someone in your office navigates to the central, copies it, pastes it on their desktop, renames it, and opens it, it WILL be an active copy of the central file, and it WILL publish changes back.

I just wanted to clear that up for any new users reading through this post.

BTW, i second the "put revit in demo mode..." But furthermore, i second the "there is no substitute for proper education, and you wont idiot proof something as complex as worksetted models."

cliff collins
2009-02-11, 06:53 PM
Use DWF for Non-Revit users to view the model.

DO NOT try the detach from central thing--you will get in trouble very quickly!


2009-02-11, 07:43 PM
The biggest problem that I have with DWF's (for in-house use) is that they are static files.

Allowing someone (in-house) access to the model with a Demo / Viewer (unlicensed) load of Revit will ensure that they have access to the most current model data available.

DWF's are great for sharing with people outside of the office.

2009-02-11, 07:58 PM
the simple solution is to go to the central file, do not open it, just highlight the icon, and copy the file. Do not open and save as. Then paste the clipboard in the desired location and name it something else. It will never update so it is kind of a one time shot. You will get an error message when you first open the file. We use this process when we do off-site presentations on projects. When we are done we delete the dummy file so it never gets back into the system. I use batch files to push these onto the users computer so the central file is kept intact and safe.

Unless I'm reading this wrong, this process will simply make a new Local Copy that is still linked to the Central. Copying and Pasting with a new name is exactly what most people used to do before the advent of the AutoHotKey scripts.

2009-02-11, 08:56 PM
...we see far too much effort made toward fool-proofing where learning is a much better solution.


"It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious." --RobertHeinlein (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RobertHeinlein)
"Those who try to build idiot-proof systems always underestimate the persistence and ingenuity of idiots." --anon
"If you make your system more idiot-proof the idiots will build a bigger idiot" --anon
"You can make something foolproof, but not damnfoolproof" --anon
Quotes taken from: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?IdiotProofProcess

2009-02-12, 02:52 AM
Both DaveB's and my script have the option to detach from central, his is through the shortcut, mine is through the GUI. This is perfectly safe and cannot screw up the original central in any way. If I remember correctly the only bad part is you lose any Revit/CAD links.

Here's my script http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=92831

2009-02-12, 01:00 PM
I would probably just make "review" folders for projects somewhere on the server, and drop a detached copy of the project file in there for every review/deliverable stage.