View Full Version : Rendering questions

2009-02-11, 04:50 PM
I played around the Revit rendering little bit and found it quite easy to set up.

The only downside is that it takes too long to render but the result is quite good given the fact it doesn't take long to set up.

Only question I have is that how do you get rid of the "wash out" effects within the ligth fixture? (Please see the attached PDF file.) I like the overall "lighting effect" in the image but not the "wash out" effect. How do I do that in Revit without going to fix this in Photoshop? Do I have to do it in 3d Max Design 2009 for things like this? Thanks in advance.

2009-02-11, 05:52 PM
All I can suggest is to play with the settings. Create a "custom" setting to decrease highlights increase shadows, etc.. You also might change materials on the actual light fixture to be less "shiny"

2009-02-11, 05:55 PM
bring it into max....


2009-02-11, 08:35 PM
Did you crank up the Lumens in the light fixture to get the desired lighting? If so, don't. Set the lumens for real world lighting and then use the "Adjust Exposure" tool in the Rendering palette to make it look right. I have gotten the best results with this.

If this is not the case, then maybe your light fixture grid is only a flat element that is easily overpowered. I know there are more complex lighting models out there that are more realistic with their grids. This might help as well.

To avoid the time issues, use the draft mode until it looks like you have something good going then go more complex. (Just a note, linear lighting looks like a single point light when you use draft mode rendering. Once you crank it up to Medium it looks correct.)

2009-02-11, 09:31 PM
I just downloaded these light fixtures froms some websites. I didn't tweak the setting yet. I just tested the rendering (as it is) to see what kind of rendering I can get straight out of the box. I think the result is good for what it's offered.

So to answer your question, I guess my case belongs to your 2nd opinion. When you said, "your light fixture grid is only a flat element that is easily overpowered...". What does that really mean? Where do you suggest to download the light fixtures that will provide the realistic lighting effect but without too much tweaking?

Thanks for all of your response.