View Full Version : heavier elevation line building silhouette

2009-02-11, 11:27 PM
is there an automated way to get heavier line weight in elevation for the silhouette (outline) of the building

2009-02-11, 11:38 PM
Nope. Linework tool, Override elements in view, or several workarounds that you can find doing a search.

My preffered methods are simply to turn on the AMG shadows very lightly, or include perspectives. The other methods (in my very humble opinion) take too long and waste too much effort.

I just accept that elevations are one area Revit doesnt confirm well to "old had traditional drafting standards"...

Mark James
2009-02-12, 01:40 AM
Nope. Linework tool, Override elements in view, or several workarounds that you can find doing a search.

My preffered methods are simply to turn on the AMG shadows very lightly, or include perspectives. The other methods (in my very humble opinion) take too long and waste too much effort.

I just accept that elevations are one area Revit doesnt confirm well to "old had traditional drafting standards"...
Not so.
Go to the View Control Bar and select the Shadows on/off button (or open the view properties dialogue box), then click on Advanced Model Graphics. In the dialogue box that appears, under Edges, you can alter the Silhouette style lineweight.

2009-02-12, 02:38 AM
Sorry, i shouldve been more clear. Even the Silhouette Edges in AMG... They dont truly articulate the "hand style" hard edge JUST around the exterior of projectng elements... But they do darken up a lot of the objects in the view.

Further clarifying my comments earlier, i try to take advantage of the model in other ways to manifest the understanding of the depths of the facade work, since the old school accepted drafting methods of lineweights seems costly in efforts to achieve without compromising the integrity of the Revit model.... That is to say, our elevations are flat looking. :)

2009-02-12, 03:53 PM
thanks for the responses, yes it seems the "Silhouette style lineweight" select planes that are closest to the viewer, in my case the balconies become heavy lines while the outline of the building is lightweight.

I simply need the Silhouette to be drawn where the sky meets the building, that is all edges where there is nothing behind it but sky. I would think this would be a simpler way of doing it (less intelligent interpretation required from Revit)

2009-02-12, 04:11 PM
The linework tool WILL do it, you just have to go around and click the lines...