View Full Version : Callout Issue

2009-02-12, 03:02 AM
Hi all,
We are having a huge issue with some callouts.
Situation is this.
3 x canopies, each a separate family and loaded into the model.

We have an overall roof plan with some callouts for the canopies, They are side by side, all slightly different, so we have created callouts from the overall plan to detaI them.

Here is the thing, on the overall plan, the two end ones show up perfectly with the call out bubble and canopy in view, the middle one has for some reason disappeared. the call out is there, but no canopy is visible. It is almost like the canopy isn't there.

Here's the kicker, the canopy is shown when you open the callout view of the mysterious canopy, it is also visible in 3d.

So, can anyone tell me why my canopy has decided to vanish on the overall plan but still be visible in the callout created from that overall plan?

We have tried the following:
Looked for hidden elements - No its not hidden
Looked at the view depth for both the callout reference and the callout view - It is the same as the two adjacent and doesn't matter what you change it to, still not visible.
Tried looking in wire frame - does not show up in wire frame

Any Ideas?

Scott Womack
2009-02-12, 11:15 AM
Is the canopy opn a workset that is turned off in the overall view? Has the canopy family had its detail level information alterd so that it is not appearing in the roof plan?

2009-02-12, 12:51 PM
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the reply.
We had checked the worksets and all was OK
Details levels were good also.

We fianlly worked it out.
The view depth for the level was all OK but
we had to place an invisible line in the canopy family which could be cut by the view plane in the overal model, to show the roof plan