View Full Version : Conduit modify/create

2009-02-12, 09:11 PM
At this moment, AMEP has conduit sizes that are incorrect. These need to be drawn with the correct outside and inside diameters.

Is there a way to edit the content so I can change the relation of the conduit size to its real dimensions instead of the out-of-the-box incorrect dimensions?

2009-02-12, 10:29 PM
At this moment, AMEP has conduit sizes that are incorrect. These need to be drawn with the correct outside and inside diameters.

Is there a way to edit the content so I can change the relation of the conduit size to its real dimensions instead of the out-of-the-box incorrect dimensions?

Hi ldcadd,

It can be done but it's a lot of work. One thing you can do (what we do) is after you finish your drawing select all of the 4" conduit (for example) and change the size to 4.5". You have to do this through the right-click conduit modify dialog and not the properties palette.

The other thing you can do. which is also a lot of work. is create custom piping catalogs (since piping allows you to enter both OD and ID, go figure :?) instead of using conduit. I haven't done this yet because I've requested conduit to be the correct size in the last three development cycles and I'm still holding out hope that Autodesk will listen.

2009-02-12, 11:20 PM
I don't do Electrical design because I am afraid of being electrocuted, but...

You could do a quick add/replace for multiple .xml files to change the sizes.

Example: open up (in notepad or other .txt editor) the file:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\ACD-MEP 2009\enu\Aecb Catalogs\US Imperial\Conduit\Galvanized Rigid Conduit\Threaded\Conduit GRC Threaded.xml

Now just change the values for the diameters listed. I am assuming that you would need to make the same changes for set screw, plastic, metal, etc. (that is why a find/replace would save you time). You may want to try it out on one .xml file first to see if it accomplishes what you are looking for.


2009-02-12, 11:27 PM
By the way, when I do multiple changes to xml files I use the program Microsoft Frontpage (which is for websites). One reason is that it formats the xml file in a way that is easy to read (using colors and tabs). The other reason is that I can perform find/replace operations over several files at one time.


2009-02-13, 02:22 AM
By the way, when I do multiple changes to xml files I use the program Microsoft Frontpage (which is for websites). One reason is that it formats the xml file in a way that is easy to read (using colors and tabs). The other reason is that I can perform find/replace operations over several files at one time.


Great tip Buzz, I never thought about using Frontpage before.

I've run across two problems/issues in trying this:
1. When selecting conduit the new sizes will show up in the dialog box options. Not a problem as long as you remember that when you select 3.5" you're really selecting 3" conduit or 1" is really 3/4" conduit and so on and so forth.
2. All conduit related MvParts and fittings will need to be updated with the new diameters or you'll keep getting a "no part found" error.