View Full Version : interior schedule...

2009-02-13, 03:15 PM
i have some "place holders" that are numbers i will change to interior finished i need later after i remember how to rotate some cells.....my question is how do i "group" cells that i can't seem to reach (the 4 to the left are just out of my reach)

2009-02-13, 03:38 PM
if I understand your problem correctly, you are not able to select all the fields in one swipe since some are not visible unless you scroll over to them. But, once you scroll over the 1st group of fields become deselected.

if true try 1st grouping one batch, and scoll over to other fields and then select the 1st group and the remaining fields to be grouped. Then you will have one large group with a sub-group included. Select the sub-group (the 1st group you made) and select the "ungroup" button in the options bar. This will rid you of the extra row, and leave all the fields grouped as one.

2009-02-13, 04:04 PM
you understand correctly and i understand your direction....sometimes after i drag cells to ungroup though the button stays greyed out