View Full Version : Click on wall - it moves

2009-02-13, 03:22 PM
I've come across something really odd and not sure how to resolve it. When I click on a wall to select it, the "Edit Properties" and "attach", "Detach" buttons pop up as a tool bar. They don't appear beside the wall type / properties button, I'm not sure why there is room for them. They show up on a new row below this, when this happens it causes the drawing window to resize and its like I am clicking and dragging the wall when it does this. It moves the wall to a new location the distance that it takes to re size the window. Its very annoying cause it happens on what ever I click on.

2009-02-13, 03:54 PM
This is weird so with that in mind turn off Open GL if you have it on and try it again in a new window.

2009-02-13, 04:05 PM
Thanks, I looked and it was off. So I tried turning it on and it still does it. So I turned it back off.

One other thing, If I make the window so its not maximized but almost the same size, then the tool bar comes up to the right and the problem of moving things doesn't occur. This worked yesterday but this morning it didn't, but now it is working again.

This is very odd.

2009-02-13, 04:13 PM
Mine does that occasionally. Close revit entirely and reopen it, it usually fixes it for me...