View Full Version : Can I "un-acquire" coordinates?

2009-02-17, 01:27 PM
It seems there were some inaccuracies between a building file (which already had a CAD survey linked in) and a new site file I made for that building, with an updated version of the same CAD survey linked into it. When I published/shared coordinates in the site file, then acquired coordinates from the site file into the building file, Project North got skewed in some odd direction, and now I'm getting hundreds of "slightly off-axis" errors if I try to Rotate Project North to put a selected reference plane or building wall parallel to north/south.

If I remove the linked Revit site file, is there any way to "un-acquire" coordinates so that I can do some checking and start over?

*edit* I just checked my site file, and it's angle from Project North to True North is 8° 33' 09"

The building file's angle from Project North to True North was 45° 31' 16". But when I rotated Project North to put building walls parallel to north/south, it reported the angle from True North as 8° 33' 04". That's a difference of 5 seconds, or 0.001389°, definitely small enough to throw up numerous "off axis" errors.

What are my options?

2009-02-17, 06:23 PM
At this point I'm ready to just create a new building file and a new site file completely from scratch. The building file is so screwed up in terms of rotation. Both project north and true north have been rotated to some random setting. I have numerous reference planes slightly off-axis from building elements, and slightly off-axis from sections so that they show up but can't be dimensioned in section.