View Full Version : eperms.dat???

jj mac
2009-02-17, 08:21 PM
Anyone out there ever get this error message? (see attached) It is popping up randomly to people on the network working on files with worksharing enabled.

It has happened before and it was thought to be related to an antivirus / networking problem, however those issues have long since been resolved and now it has happened again...

The message pops up to everyone on the network who is working with worksets. They can save locally but not to central.

Any ideas out there?

2009-02-18, 04:43 AM
Have you filed this with Autodesk?

I for one have never seen this before.

2009-02-18, 08:15 AM
Yep. I've seen it. Last week in fact. And of course, it could not have come at a more inopportune moment -- a day before a major deadline.

Try a search on this. I know I came across a few discussions, although there was no real definitive answer. My gut instinct is that this is a rights & permissions issue. Your comment about users being able to save locally only would support this notion.

I recall a comment that this could also be related to a corrupt .dat file.

I ended up detaching / creating a new central and locals for the users. This seems to have solved the problem for us. Essentially, we 'lost' (/reset) the backups. Since we regularly archive and rarely have a need to restore a backup, this was not a concern.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

- Jon

jj mac
2009-02-18, 01:50 PM
Appriciate the replies fellows... Most of the searches we've done have come up short as well. Google searches usually lead to here, and I have seen a few more topics with "eperms.dat" in forum headings but as you say, nothing definitive.

We have filed the issue with our reseller, and are awaiting their comments so hopefully they can give us some "mothership" insight. There was also heavy network traffic going on when all this happened. After a server reboot things settled down and the issue went away...

I would really just like to know what this file is and how it plays a role in Revit's operation, as well as some of the other ".dat" files. It will almost defiantly pop up again at the most inopportune moment and that is why I really want to figure it out.

2009-04-01, 04:37 PM
Do you get an answer from your reseller? Any resolution?

cliff collins
2009-04-01, 07:14 PM
I have a sneaky suspicion you may be running out of RAM---

32 bit OS?

32 bit Revit?

Files getting pretty large--i.e. 150-200MB?

Linked Revit and / or Cad files?

We have seen this when our 32 bit machines get outgunned.......


2012-01-09, 04:40 PM
Has anyone found a solution for this problem? I've had this message pop up for me in both R2011 and R2012 on multiple projects.

My situation is a little different in the fact that I'm working remotely from home on servers half way across the country but for the past year and a half I haven't had a problem. This just started happening the week before the new year.

So far my fix has been to open the file detached and create a new central on my C: drive and back it up onto the servers. I've also had to repath all of the links to my C: drive as well. This works fine when I'm the only one working on a project but in the case when there's multiple people working in the same file, this can't happen.

Any help would be appreciated.

2012-02-09, 02:01 AM
We have one user whom is experiencing the same along with access being denied to deltas.dat for a work shared project using 2012.

I found the following information, but this doesn't apply as we don't have a NAS as our file server.


Has anyone else had any luck in finding a fix? Have logged with our support agents and will escalate to Autodesk soon.

2012-02-09, 02:03 PM
I have gotten it before. I have noticed it on my side that it doesn't effect anything though. I think it happens when Revit is accessing the central file. It only shows up when I finish working on something within the project and then finish the command, then Revit tries to save access the central file to check worksharing of that object so it can let your "Borrow" the object. It seems if the central file is "Busy" doing something already that it won't let you save your last thing you did. Sometimes Revit doesn't even make the change I was trying to do, ie; move a wall but then I get the error and then select OK and the wall is back to where it was before I tried to move it.

I really think it is just an access to the central file to double check worksharing conflicts needed to make the change, but I have a network monitor setup and can see what is being sent to the ghost server drive I have. If it finds a conflict then you get the eperms.dat access error. I wait a couple of seconds and redo the command I was working on. I have never made a new central file and/ or local file. I just do the command again or continue on.

Not sure if this is how or what is really going on, so this could be speculation.
