View Full Version : Door Schedules – To & From Rooms surprise results…

2009-02-18, 05:09 PM
How does the schedule decide which is the room the door is from and to? I assumed… in error… that it was smart and was doing it the same way we do it… the “to” room being the room it swings into… but I just noticed that I have two rooms side by side with the same door type swinging into both rooms and they have the opposite result… One listed the “room” as the room the door is opening into and the other listed the “corridor”… I got nailed by the ever vigilant project manager on this one wondering why this showed incorrectly… I was caught off guard expecting it to be working just fine, because things were looking good… There it goes again…

Any suggestions on how to tell it to reverse its thinking on the doors Revit has backwards to the standard way of thinking?

Just so I can keep the peace and my PM happy, happy... :)

Andre Carvalho
2009-02-18, 05:19 PM
I think the schedule will show the right information from the first time the door was placed. If you changed door's orientation after it was placed, the schedule won't update. If you delete the door and reinsert it, it should show the right information.

Andre Carvalho

2009-02-18, 05:30 PM
I think the schedule will show the right information from the first time the door was placed. If you changed door's orientation after it was placed, the schedule won't update. If you delete the door and reinsert it, it should show the right information.

Andre Carvalho

Now that would be extremely annoying... That would mean loosing any information added into the schedule... and replacing the door... adding tags in different views that it occurs (on a complex job with multiple views of the project for different uses, this is big...)

Another goof up if this is the only way... I am not impressed... Something to watch for as you place the doors in the future... but what a pain... on a project almost complete...

Thanks for the knowledge... It is good to know... I hope that this will be something that could be fixed in he program... so it is not fixed to it's first inserted method... It really should be based on its final position not what it looked like the first time it was placed...

Oh well... Just one more thing to work around... :(

2009-02-18, 05:31 PM
No need to delete the Door.
Just click on the field in the Schedule (I'm assuming you're using "Room Name" from the Room), and it will give you the choice of either the From Room Name or the To Room Name.
Just select the other one.

Andre is correct, though that it will not update if you later flip the Door.

2009-02-18, 05:50 PM
No need to delete the Door.
Just click on the field in the Schedule (I'm assuming you're using "Room Name" from the Room), and it will give you the choice of either the From Room Name or the To Room Name.
Just select the other one.

Andre is correct, though that it will not update if you later flip the Door.


That is more like it...

O.K. my faith is restored once again...

This is good... I should learn not to panic so quickly..

Thanks for this tip...

Scott Womack
2009-02-18, 10:08 PM
There is a free plug in from Avatech that will help adjust this. (Free except for the annoying number of emails). There is also a plug in that you have to buy that does this like it is on steroids!

Here is the website for it www.tools4revit.com