View Full Version : Mirror Project - heads up

2009-02-18, 07:34 PM
I hate to think that we're the first to run into this but I can't find any other posts about it so I'll run this up the flagpole.

We've found that when we use the Mirror Project tool all of our elevation crop windows are now reversed. Not the view, geometry or contents, just the grips to change the crop extents. Briefly drove one of my design teams nuts until we figured out what was going on. Small one but I'll send in the SR.

2009-03-13, 01:45 PM
I've encountered this as well and it's quite annoying.

I have also noticed when mirroring and rotating projects that certain elevation,section and floor plan views have become corrupt. When I say corrupt I mean that the view is no longer perpendicular to the initial wall it faced. This is not visible to the naked eye until you go to a view and attempt to draw Detail Lines, Filled Regions & etc... Problems even with aligning elements in floor plan views no longer work as expected; having to go to another view to attempt this seems to work.

I would say that although this feature has saved us time in having to re-model the core/shell of the building, this has become a very scary scenario when having to recreate views.

Perhaps someone can shed some light on this topic?
