View Full Version : Levels not visible

2009-02-19, 08:32 AM
Hi all

Here is a very easy solution to a problem I recently encounted, with no solution on the AUGI site. So here it is.

Issue - In your section or elevation views, you noticed that some or all of your levels were
not visible. However, in the Visibility/Graphics overrides the Levels category is

Solution - For levels to be visible, a portion of the level must exist within the view depth of
the section or elevation.You can correct this issue by turning off the far clip
plane for the section or elevation view. Follow these steps:

1. Select the view with the missing levels.
2. On the View menu, click View Properties.
3. In the Element Properties dialog box, clear the Far Clip Active check box.

Hope this helps.

2009-03-19, 03:17 PM
That is something I really enjoy about this place....
Just when you need it, someone has the answer. And most of the time you don't have to ask the question.



2009-03-19, 03:21 PM
Click on any other View which shows the Levels and click "Maximize 3D Extents"
Uncheck Crop Region then Zoon Extents and you might see it on Either ends.....

2009-03-19, 03:22 PM
For levels to be visible, a portion of the level must exist within the view depth of the section or elevation.You can correct this issue by turning off the far clip plane for the section or elevation view. Follow these steps:

I'm lost now. How do you define horizontal extents of a level? I guess I thought that the "Z" location of the level was true for all (x,y) locations in the project

cliff collins
2009-03-19, 04:00 PM
Check out Scope Boxes, 2D and 3D extents of Views, Propogate Extents, etc.


2009-03-19, 06:34 PM
Also make sure the Levels Workset is visible under Visibility Graphics, we've run into this issue quite a bit and we're not sure how the Workset just hides itself in some cases.

cliff collins
2009-03-19, 06:36 PM
Levels and Grids should be on Shared Levels and Grids Workset.........................


2009-08-13, 01:04 AM
Click on any other View which shows the Levels and click "Maximize 3D Extents"
Uncheck Crop Region then Zoon Extents and you might see it on Either ends.....

You are truly a genius...Thanks!!!!

2009-08-13, 01:25 AM
Click on any other View which shows the Levels and click "Maximize 3D Extents"
Uncheck Crop Region then Zoon Extents and you might see it on Either ends.....
The same applies to Grids as well.

2009-09-16, 09:30 PM
Click on any other View which shows the Levels and click "Maximize 3D Extents"

Thanks nsinha for the solution!


Why doesn't a Level display in every Section and Elevation view by default? It's a Level, a horizontal plane. Planes, by defintion, have no extents.

I've got an elevator shaft in the middle of my building. When I cut a section through it, I only see Level 1. I have to go to a building elevation view and select the Levels I want to see and "Maximize 3D Extents". It's not like my elevator shaft is off in BFE somewhere, it's in the middle of my model. Is there some black hole in the middle of my model where no Level dare goes unless I tell it to. If so, where exactly is the event horizon so I can anticipate when I'll need to do this?

What does "Maximize 3D Extents" mean anyway? It's like "Wall Closure" for Reference Planes, why not call it "Defines Wrap Location"? (Oh, so that's what it does.)

2010-09-01, 07:47 PM
thank you a lot

2010-09-03, 05:08 PM
Hay I have been away and I am going crazy with the changes that had happened. What happened to all the cool 3d commands like 3d slice and 3d array. I could knock out some stuff with that.
Now I am trying to add levels and I cannot even get the add levels button in the datum tab to work. What needs to be turned on or off.
