View Full Version : Can Revit do this?

2004-10-19, 07:10 PM
I work in a structural firm that displays graphics in a way that I can't seem to duplicate in Revit. I have attached a PDF file of a portion of a structural floor framing plan that we did in Autocad. Our office likes to show the walls and columns that land on a floor differently than the walls and columns that exist below the floor. In other words we show the walls and columns above dashed with a diagonal hatch pattern and the walls and columns below with a solid line and a shaded hatch pattern. When a builder can see what lands on a particular element (column landing on a beam or wall), he can plan ahead and leave room for the strap or cut out the plywood ahead of time. I absolutely love Revit and am completely sold on its current features and feel solid about it's future, however this is an important feature of our structural documents that we would like to include in documents produced in Revit. How would I go about duplicating this in Revit? Thanks in advance for all of your help.

2004-10-19, 08:39 PM
I would think the easiest way to do the Linework would be something similar to what I've seen Aaron Rumple suggest for footings. Make 2 duplicate views, make one show the upper walls, etc. and one show the lowers (with view range). Then with Visibility/Graphics, override the line style for walls or columns, or whatever. Then overlay them on a sheet. They will snap to each other. I'm not sure about the hatch though.

2004-10-19, 08:42 PM
Also, everything below "bottom" and above "view depth" in the view range dialog will be displayed as the "beyond" linestyle. You could set "beyond to be whatever you want your lower walls to be, and override in visibility/graphics what you want your upper walls to be. That way you would only have one view.

2004-10-19, 08:57 PM
Any chance someone could demonstrate this and post the file? This would be a huge help to me. Knowing how to do this would open all sorts of doors for making our plans super easy to read and understand. Thank you for all of your help.

2004-10-19, 11:25 PM
disect this and see what you can get out of it...hope it helps

2004-10-20, 08:18 PM
Thanks for the file. I spent 2 hours yesterday after work figuring out what you did. I think I understand now. It would be nice if there were two cut planes. And different line work would display for each cut plane. I know Revit its way of doing things. They work perfect for the Architect. I just need to figure out how to make them work for me, the structural engineer. I still have some questions for you but I need to get some work done.