View Full Version : site topo , demo and new....

2009-02-22, 06:36 PM
i have never had this issue before.....i like to take existing (demo)....make all the lines dashes then copy, paste in same place and call that new and manipulate spots as required for regrading......i noticed something this time..........i cant seem to get both of my plans (existing and new) to show up............they are both on and i have gone through several view settings

2009-02-22, 10:50 PM
It may be due to your Phase filter setting.
Type in VP to open the view properties dialogue box, and scroll down to Phasing, ans note your current Phase, and the Phase filter. Set phase filter to None, and all phases will be visable. Do you now see the missing entities?

Chances are the pasted elements were inserted in the wrong phase. Select them & move them to the correct phase. Reset your Phase filter, and you should see what you desire.

If this resolves the issue please confirm, and if not supply more details...

2009-02-23, 02:19 PM
On grading plans, we typically have to set the phase filter to Show All to make both the demo'd and new topo show up. If the project is strictly new construction, you can set it to Show New + Demo, but if you have existing construction you need to show, then Show All is the way to go.

Because of this, we also typically make a Site Demo workset so that demolished site items do not show up on the grading plan.

2009-02-23, 04:56 PM
i tried the view setting......i wish i could make the site existing topo appear transparent other than the contour lines........it seems to overlap some of the new contours

i did try the phase filter change....it removed the dashes from the demo contours and made them solid i did check the phase ...they are correct one is existing and demo'd in new construction

in terms of more info.....if i turn the "existing" off in the site plan and can only see the new i can see all of the work done in the new.........refer to screen captures

2009-02-25, 05:57 PM
it seems as if my "new" topo is getting covered by my existing (which makes sense, since the existing is cut away a little bit)......but with both topos (exist, new) the existing is higher than new adn concealing the new grading lines......any remedy? and existing be made transparent?

2009-02-25, 06:12 PM
We always set our grading plan to wireframe for this reason.

2009-02-25, 07:01 PM
yea, wasn't thinking i always have to make things transparent (walls etc) when i'm making my framing plans so i overode both by element and made them transparent........thanks