View Full Version : Shared Parameter?

2009-02-23, 06:22 PM

First, can I make a non-plot piece of text or tag in a view title family. If not, the rest fo this post is not worth the effort. ;)

That said:

When you place a view on a sheet it automatically puts the view name into the 'View Name' tag in the title. Most times however we wind up using 'View Name on Sheet' rather than the 'project browser view name'. Is there a way make a parameter than would read the 'project browser' view name and put in the title as well?

Ideally I would like to show them both but only print 'View Name on Sheet'

Any ideas? This isn't a make or break issue for me...I can live without,...I just want to give it a shot.


Scott Womack
2009-02-23, 08:49 PM
The only way you can make it non-plot is to set its color to something basically white in color. There is no true NON-plotting items in revit, except those as check-boxes in the plot dialog box. Those are built into the software code.

2009-02-23, 09:12 PM
Aren't <Invisible Lines> "true" non-plotting items?

I would just make the text color white for items you don't want to plot. However I believe you'll have to actually click on the view title to make the white text turn to blue and be visible on the screen. Otherwise it'll look the same as it will when printed - not visible.

2009-02-23, 09:33 PM
Sounds like a creative solution!

Only thought... sometimes you have to make something a little less than white so it does not automatically turn black. So set the color to white (RGB value: 255 255 255) and then back it off to an RGB value around 250 250 250 to 254 254 254. This should get the same desired result.

2009-02-24, 03:26 AM
Drew -

If I understand your question correctly, it sounds as if your goal is to show both the "View Name" and "Title On Sheet" values. It appears that only one of the parameters is accessible, not both.

Even if you could get the white text to work, i don't know how you'd extract that data into the view title.

- Jon

2009-02-25, 04:53 PM
If push comes to shove you might try working through the Sheets area of the project browser instead of the Views section. You can either work directly on the sheet or expand it to reveal the views used on the sheet. Not ideal but closer I think.

2009-02-25, 09:30 PM
Not possible. As soon as you fill something for Name on Sheet, it overwrite the View Name. Maybe the API could help.
What's the benefits of that?