View Full Version : Trouble understanding cut/fill

2004-10-20, 03:44 AM
If I create a graded region then create a pad that cuts into the graded region
and I want to show the amount of cut vs amount of fill, di I have to do some math in the schedule to add or subtract the areas of the region with the pad cut/fill? Im concfused, I have read the revit help file on this but stilll dont quite get it. Also do foundation/retaining wall objects show up in the cut calculation? suppose I wanted to know how much dirt the foundations were going to displace for example. of course I could get the volume of the foundations but that would include some potion of the stem walls that are above grade. so this really needs to come from the region volume.

2004-10-21, 03:40 PM
Jerry, right now I don't think that there is very good info about how much cutting/filling is done by a pad. I posted a questions and some experimentation about it a while back and frankly didn't quite figure it out. You'll need to test with a simple site and a simple pad that you can calculate mentally to double-check the info you get out of Revit. Then let us know what you figure out!

2007-04-23, 01:45 PM
hi, about this subject, i fond some incoherency between the cut/fill value and the real one

i made a flat terrain, made the graded region and draw a pad with 200m2 and 200m3, to easily confirm the values, than i create a Topography Schedule, but in the row, of the surface under the pad, i get 200m2 of surface and 202,375m3 of volume.

After some variation i found that when i get an area major or equal than 100m2 i had around more 1.188% of area, if my pad is minor than 100m2 i loose the same percent value.

Any help, or explain about that incoherency??