View Full Version : Help - door not display properly in existing phase

2004-10-20, 03:56 AM
Hi all,

I've got a set of French doors in an existing phase.
When the wall is the existing phase, only 1 door leaf shows from the inside, neither leaf shows from the outside.
If the wall is changed to new phase it displays fine.
Moving the cursor over the door, the highlight shows both door leafs.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

image & door attached

Kim Heaver

2004-10-20, 04:20 AM
The door family looks OK to me.

I'm wondering whether your elevation cut plane is picking up part of a door swing from some demolished element or other. ? Try moving the cut plane to see what happens..

2004-10-20, 04:42 AM
The door family looks OK to me.

I'm wondering whether your elevation cut plane is picking up part of a door swing from some demolished element or other. ? Try moving the cut plane to see what happens..

The section is viewed from the new part of the building, I tried moving it around and flipping the direction, but it doesn't help.
I've attached a screen capture of the floorplan & section windows.
The demolished item in the section view is an old veranda post in the middle of the room, I've tried deleting this but it didn't make any difference.


2004-10-20, 03:16 PM
what is your phase filter set to? It looks like this is a new door in an existing wall. I think if you have it set so that demo information shows, the infill portion of the wall that will be demolished for the door can cover up the door its self. That may be what's happening...

2004-10-20, 11:37 PM
what is your phase filter set to? It looks like this is a new door in an existing wall. I think if you have it set so that demo information shows, the infill portion of the wall that will be demolished for the door can cover up the door its self. That may be what's happening...

Hi Steve,

Thats it!
The view was set to "show all", which doesn't really explain why only part of the door was hidden as its a full length existing wall with a new door in the middle.
But anyway it fixed now.
