View Full Version : Topo Cut & Fill

2009-02-24, 11:47 AM

Can someone tell me why only one of my topo's is scheduling please...

It has calculated the cut and fill... but is only showing the new surface : |

I used the copy - paste topo 1 - make topo 1 existing phase - edit topo 2 in new phase technique...

ALSO - What has happened to my topography cut appearance??? It is just blanked out with no pattern...


2009-02-24, 02:15 PM
There shouldn't be any copy/pasting going on. You either create a new toposurface, or import topo data from a survey to create the surface on the current phase. Then you either manually set it to existing and start a "graded region" by picking the existing topo (it will automatically demolish the existing), or you just pick Graded Region, and it will automatically move the topo to the existing phase and demolish it, and allow you to copy all the internal spot points to your new "graded" surface.

For this reason, it's important to get the existing topo pretty correct based on your survey before you start grading. If you're importing topo data from a survey, there will often be "screwy" areas where you need to add a few points to get the topo lines to follow the lines on the survey.

Once you get that all set up, then you can start your Graded Region.

2009-02-24, 05:02 PM
I agree. Use the Graded Region tool to do grading. This tool will automatically demolish the old surface and copy a new surface for grading purposes and help avoid errors of misaligned surfaces.

For the Schedule, you are only getting one surface because the properties of the schedule have a Phase filter applied. It is probably set to only show new.

Gadget Man
2009-02-25, 07:57 AM
Checking THIS (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=95634) thread may be useful...

2009-02-25, 03:59 PM
Make sure to include the cut/fill amounts for the topo underneath any pads you may have, as the cut/fill for a graded toposurface does not include the cut/fill underneath pads.

I found this out myself and posted about it here: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=93474