View Full Version : type catalog

2003-08-25, 03:23 PM
Recently I’m having trouble with the type catalogs of my families. When I want to select a type all the different parameters are added to the type name even after I ‘have inserted the family. The type catalogs are like the one below were the type name is 1200,1500,1800,etc. and the parameters are ‘lengte’ and ‘kraan’

1500, 1500, 750
1800, 1800, 900
2200, 2200, 1100
2500, 2500, 1250
2800, 2800, 1400
3200, 3200, 1600
3500, 3500, 1750

Did anyone have the same trouble with type catalogs and know a solution?

2003-08-25, 03:46 PM
Never happened to me, except when in the beginning I hadn't figured out that the values had to be seprated by a ; instead of a comma (,) for my international settings...

other than that, the only problems I had was when the parameter values were very small, like 0,000023 or similar...

can you send a screenshot so the problem you are having is clearer?


2003-08-27, 11:01 AM
I have changed teh , to ; but that doesn't work. were can I change my international settings.

2003-08-27, 11:52 AM
International settings are a windows itema nd can be found under Control Panel/Regional Settings.

2003-08-27, 01:15 PM
I have changed the list separator in my regional settings from ; to , but it still doesn't work. The thing is that at first the type catalogs worked ok, and I don't know what I have changed in my computer that causes this to happen. It might have something to do with installing 5.1 but I'm not sure.

2003-08-28, 09:22 AM
The jpg you sent is exactly the problem I was having, so you probably have to play around with your international settings a little more to solve it.

2003-08-29, 07:43 PM
What is new in 5.1 that might be tightly connected wuth your problem is that 5.1 recognizes the regional settings of your computer automatically during the installation.
even if you say f.e. to install in french language ( by defining that in the dialog boxes that prompt you to choose language during the installation )- and choose it all right - you will still recieve an english version if your computer had an english OS and settings. happened to me, i became lots of grey hairs until i got it. so, i finally had to install it in english and then by changing the language=FRA in the revit.ini i got my revit in french..

So I am pretty confident that if you do experience this problem it lies, as gnl said somewhere in the regional settings.

maybe i have added some more light to this? :(

2003-09-01, 08:43 AM
I found out that my regional settings don't influence my type catalogs.
I have changed all , to ; and it works all right. I thought that I had tried this before but I must have made a mistake. When it worked all right I have changed the list separator in my regional settings and restarted my computer. The type catalog still worked all right. It must be a setting in revit somewhere.