View Full Version : Host family change to non-host family

2009-02-24, 04:21 PM
Is there a way to quickly turn a ceiling hosted light into a generic non-hosted light?

I have tried copy and paste but there is always some parameter or some crazy thing that does not want to copy thru.

I would think that there should be an easy way to switch between host and non-host but I can't find it.


Scott Womack
2009-02-24, 04:28 PM
Is there a way to quickly turn a ceiling hosted light into a generic non-hosted light?

I would think that there should be an easy way to switch between host and non-host but I can't find it.

There is no way to easily change from Hosted to non-hosted. This is because there is pre-programed "under the hood" behavior that cannot be trolled with with a simple toggle. You have to start a family with the correct type of temple to get a particular behavior.

That said, you can fairly simply go from a non-hosted family to a hosted, by nesting the non-hosted family inside of a blank hosted family. I do not know enough about light emitting issues to know what this nesting might do to the rendering portion of the light fixture.

As a work around, add a piece of wall, then hide the wall in view. The light fixture should appear to "float" there.

2009-02-24, 04:50 PM
Your nesting idea got my hopes up... but I am going the other way. I opened up a blank non-host file and tried to load in a hosted family but it still gave me the circle with the line thru it. looking for something to host to.

But your other idea is what we are doing but we are using a ceiling and turning the visibility off. I don't like the idea of having an invisible ceiling. But that's just me.

I will end up redrawing it in the family template I need it in... I am anal, one of my weakness.

Thanks for your reply and help