View Full Version : Reveal Issues

2009-02-24, 07:08 PM
Hi all -

I'm working on reveals in the wall of a large theatre - please see the attached elevation and callout plan. All horizontal reveals are accomplished within the wall structure itself, but there are a couple of zones where I need vertical reveals - hence my issues.

I created a profile-reveal family and was able to place it in a couple of walls, but revit is unable to place it in others - see the elevation. I'm also having issues with having the reveal align with the edge of the wall - see the callout.

Finally, a best practices question - I'm not really happy with the lineweight of the reveals in elevation, as they're treated like a normal cut in the wall. Have people accomplished similar tasks using something other than a reveal? I like the simplicity of the horizontal reveals in wall structure, but the process is frustrating me right now.

Pete Wilson

2009-02-24, 07:49 PM
For reveals that arent completely vertical or horizontal, ive used Generic Wall Hosted Families (with just voids) with a bit of success... But if theyre all horiz or vertical, i would just keep playing around with the ends of the reveals.

I find it helps to have reference planes where they need to terminate, for dragging them. then, i make a 3D view and hide everything else but those walls (i dont use isolate, because then strangely, it hides the reveals so you cant grab them, lol), and i use change sweep returns and the pull tabs to achieve what i need.

Worth mentioning, edited wall sweep ends do not play nice when you duplicate a Design option that theyre in, either, LOL...