View Full Version : project management

2009-02-25, 03:47 PM
Hi All,
I'm looking for some project management input for the following issues;
I'm working on a design with a client who would like to see several design options. So I'm moving, raising, adding walls to create alternate elevation looks. It's getting confusing keeping track of all the changes. Would the best practice be to just copy the project and call it version 2 or whatever and draw away or is there a simpler more manageable procedure. I was just adding new views and copying floor/roof plan and manipulating from there, but managing view properties to show only what I need is getting out of hand. Still getting used to the transition from Architecture to Revit.
Thank You

2009-02-25, 05:07 PM
If you are new to Revit creating multiple files might be a good idea. You can always cut and paste between models until your client makes up his mind.


2009-02-25, 05:18 PM
Keep using Design Options.

Read up on View templates, and make one for the different option combinations. Then you can control the DO settings for all the relevant views at once.

Doing save as stinks when theyre making minor changes to BOTH options...

2009-02-25, 09:25 PM
It's based on the extents of those options. I agree with Aaron that you should try to stick to DO as much as you can. But sometimes the extent is too big to manage then you need another file.
It's hard to judge and help without understanding the potential options.

2009-02-25, 09:28 PM
I would venture if the scope is too big that is also depends on the size of the overall project.

I normally WOULDNT recommend this, but i do have a project where the entire building is in Design Options. With a lot of hosted elements and dependancies it was getting finicky, but i new the project was going to keep moving forward with all three options present. The easiest way to reconcile between the different options was to keep them all in one file.

Just keep a six pack handy for when someone starts placing rooms and forgets theyre supposed to be in a design option...