View Full Version : Can't Create Awning Type

2009-02-25, 09:37 PM
I am hoping someone might be able to help me with the problem that I am having. I have used every massing tool that Revit has to try and create the awning that I have pictured here but I can't figure out how to get it to work. I need it to flow between panels where one panel dips down, the next goes up, etc. My problem is that there are two different elevations that this sketch needs to occur on and as far as I can tell I cannot do this in Revit using the tools provided. Can anyone prove me wrong...please! :)

I am hoping that Revit comes out with better tools for creating more organic forms in the program soon. The 5 massing tools just don't cut it!

Thank you in advance for your help!!!

2009-02-25, 11:37 PM
Hey there,

Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long...or at least until RAC2010 comes out.
It looks like you will be able to do this kind of "free form" modeling.

Here is the link from an earlier post:


Good Luck

2009-02-27, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the info about 2010. I guess I have that to look forward to! I was able to figure out how to make a free form roof by using the roof by extrusion, drawing a ref plane on a 35 degree angle, drawing a spline in the elevation view, then editing the cut profile to chop the roof off at the temporary walls I had drawn in and then using the outer sketch as a circle. It works to get the form I want, but figuring out the exact points where it needs to be drawn has proven to be near impossible. I guess I will have to keep working on it and hopefully I can figure out a solution before the 2010 version comes out!