View Full Version : Level head text display - elevation view

2009-02-26, 03:13 PM
I've presented this question in the past of several forums but no one seems to understand what I am asking. Please see the attachment.

I have had a couple of responses telling me to use spot elevation tags to achieve this. Unless I'm wrong, spot elevations will initially display the same height information (relative to first floor height). Each of these then would need to be changed manually to display the desired text. Each instance of this manual process adds time to the project and presents another opportunity for the introduction of human error in the text manipulation, both of which are extremely counterproductive to my work.

In production housing design automatic and global control of repetitive information is essential. I need to be able to access a single setting that will allow me to set the display of this information once for the entire project.

Cathy Hadley
2009-02-26, 05:02 PM
Personally I don't use level lines for window head heights, and typically just run dimension strings to give the contractor that information. In fact I don't think I've ever seen a set of plans where both the first floor and second floor both have an elevation of zero...

However, if that is they way you do your drawings, it can be achieved... and be smart. See attached. First I created two Level Line TYPES ... One where the elevation is visible, one where it is not. Then I used the spot elevation and used the level line, I used the existing one with no symbol and relitive. Now whenever the level lines move the spots are reading correctly.

As to workflow. If you connect your spot elevations to the level lines, you can build them into your template and they will remain relative to the correct level.

2009-02-26, 08:08 PM
I believe what you are asking can be achieved. See attached.

I'm using the Level tool to designate my major floor elevations. I'm using the Spot elevation tool any other elevations.

Notice, that two spot elevations, looking at the same point, display different values... one says 506', the other says 120'. In the spot elevation family, there is a parameter for elevation origin.

Look up more info on shared coordinates. Project origin / shared will get you two different zero elevation points.