View Full Version : roof cricket help

2004-10-20, 06:28 PM
How can create this roof crickets (see image attached) I just need to Create a surface or plane to close the roof gap. nay suggestions? i tried to create a in place family but there is not option for planes. Is there any command for planes? how do I create a reference plan in any 3 given point.

2004-10-20, 07:10 PM
can't you just create another roof in plan that is the correct width and longer than the required cricket, view it in section or elevation to get the height correct, and then attach the new roof to the main roof? Just a guess.

2004-10-20, 08:14 PM
(see image attached)

? no attachment?

2004-10-20, 10:13 PM
I think you should also be able to use the slope arrow tool if the cricket is at the edge of the roof.

2004-10-21, 01:05 AM
How can create this roof crickets (see image attached) I just need to Create a surface or plane to close the roof gap. nay suggestions? i tried to create a in place family but there is not option for planes. Is there any command for planes? how do I create a reference plan in any 3 given point.

Use the normal roof creation method to sketch the edge lines and draw the slope arrow at the middle of the slab to define the slope angle and the direction, define the level at the base (base offset) and at the top of the sloped slab (right click slope arrow and select the properties to define the values). You get the roof you wanted.

Read "Slope by setting slope value" in the 'Revit help' file to get the clear idea.