View Full Version : Callout Views

2009-03-02, 11:30 AM
I need to generate a detailed callout from a section. I was thinking of detailing the main section in the first place and then just do a callout of an area which i need at a bigger scale, which would save me doing it twice. But when i do that callout none of the detail components from the section come through. The alternative way would be to copy and paste allign it in the callout view. Can this issue be resolved in any other way so that i don't have to copy and paste each time.

2009-03-02, 11:43 AM
Detail components are view-specific, so each individual instance of Detail object only appears in one view. If you want to show identical arrangements of Detail objects in multiple views, you can Group the objects together and insert instances of that Group in multiple views. You can edit the group any time you want to chage that arrangement.

However, the method you outlined isn't really the Revit Way. It seems that you're thinking like Autocad - where you would indeed detail up a whole section then callout the junctions on a sheet.

What you should be thinking is - don't duplicate information. If I'm going to show it at a bigger scale, why show it at a small scale at all? A detail drawn for 1:5 is going to be very hard to read on a 1:50 or 1:20 section. My advice would be: keep general arrangement sections simple and diagramatic, but use callouts o specify all details.

2009-03-02, 11:54 AM
Thats great, i will do exactly that.

2009-03-02, 03:22 PM
Yep, which is also the way you would do it on paper. I find Revit to be more analogous to hand-drafting than AutoCAD is. Indeed, this is shown by how pretty much everything in Revit is WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get from the screen to the printed paper.