View Full Version : Hatch lineweights

2009-03-03, 04:31 AM
1. Can we change the line weights for wall cut pattern (hatch), right now by default its darker......................
2. Can we change line weights of tags in family? For example door/window circular tags with line at the centre dividing into 2 half. I want the circle to be thick and the dividing line is to be thin. Any idea how to achieve this in revit architecture 2009

thank you

Scott Womack
2009-03-03, 11:27 AM
1) Hatch patterns in items cut (like walls) are drafting patterns and by default are assigned to pen one. You'd have to change the pen weght of pen one globally in your project, and be prepared to edit lineweghts of a multittude of other items to move them from the OOTB pen one to pen two.

2) Edit the tag family, and chage the line weight in the tag family.

2009-03-03, 02:29 PM
That's right,
it is not recommended to modify line weights from the OOTB Revit. The reason for that is that each line weight is already used in the family included with Revit and so, if you modify the thickness of one line at one precise scale you will change the way all families will display at this particular scale.

2009-03-03, 05:16 PM
Thank you Scottand & martin,
The hatches are little darker in prints then our cad std line weights, so i was asked to change but if that going to create problems like what u ppl saying then i might live with default pen width for hatches.

my second question was not abt changing the entire line weight of tag! we need 2 line weights with in one tag!! for example I want the circular door tag with thick circle and the dividing line inside the circle to be thin. Any idea how to achieve this in revit architecture 2009

2009-03-03, 08:59 PM
my second question was not abt changing the entire line weight of tag! we need 2 line weights with in one tag!! for example I want the circular door tag with thick circle and the dividing line inside the circle to be thin. Any idea how to achieve this in revit architecture 2009

Open the family tag and change, add, the line in the family. If you have to add a linetype, remember to use the same name and case as the one in your project. Remember that revit in Case sensitive...

2009-03-04, 06:14 AM
Hi martin thank you for your tips,
I created new object in family before that i created new line type as well now i was able to change the thickness. Now how do i assign two different layer 9circle and mid line) in cad export settings?

2009-03-14, 11:32 AM
Thanks for all forum members,

Please find the attached image of my building in revit 2009 (the model intension was not to render) to some extent i solved all problems. if you want to know more abt the issues u can refer my old posts.
The following are the issues and solution
1. Coordinates issue - Moved cad files to origin in auto cad
2. Plastering layers not wrapping properly - i not used it, i offset my slabs 5 mm inside so that it’s not visible in elevations
3. Thrmal wall wrapping @ Door/Window junction - Added wall closer reference plane in families
4. Linking files issues (too many unit plans)-Loaded file as groups so for so good!
5.Screens issues in elevation - used plain glass with hatch (till now i could not find a way make this in 3d or render it look like 3d, that’s y in rendered images the screens are empty)

Un resolved issues
1. Hatch pen thickness – not able to reduce
2. Elevation tag not able to customise to our company standards
3. Balcony railings – not able to do it railing so I made that as generic family
4. Not able to show Structural slab level and finished floor level in floor plan (Eg SSL-2300 and FFL-2375)
5. Not able to show false ceiling height in floor plan.

2009-03-15, 10:24 PM
can you explain point 3?
"Thrmal wall wrapping @ Door/Window junction - Added wall closer reference plane in families"


about the hatch weight i think is a software problem. even if you set pen1 to minimum(0,01 inch or 0.025 mm depends of your unit sistem) you will not get the result similar to let say autocad. i think it`s a bug in revit.i tested with a lot of printers.

2009-03-18, 04:56 AM
hi gagby424,
for point 3 chk my post in http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=95243

yes i think hatch pen weight is bug, its not coming light in any printer......i hope Autodesk will fix this sooner then later

2009-03-19, 04:10 AM
I set my hatch colour to grey rather than black to lighten it up.

Scott Womack
2009-03-19, 10:12 AM
I set my hatch colour to grey rather than black to lighten it up.

We found that for brick hatching, on our plotter, we actually had to set the color to a mid-to darker blue color. This finally produced a discernible difference in the brick hatching when plotted. The moral of the story is that some of the items we the users fell are "broken" are less broken, and an issue because we as a profession don't think "out side of the box" often enough. We architects like to pride ourselves as a profession on pushing the bounds of design and form, but because a tool in a piece of software doles not have a way to change something in the first place we look, we state it is not good enough.

2009-03-19, 01:33 PM
I always bump every value by 1. So that i can control that specific element actually. Takes a couple mins but do it in your template so you won't have to do it again :-) Or use Transfer Project Standards.

2009-03-23, 12:58 PM
hi, i need my concrete walls/columns should be in grey color solid hatch. i applied solid hatch (grey colour) but its coming as black color in print, so i tried cross hatch with small scale value (to make it dense), though i can able to see the hatches, in prints its become blank, may be revit don’t accept hatches which are too close!! i dont know. please help me

thank you

2009-03-26, 02:08 AM
Are you printing B&W or greyscale?

Also it looks like you have a cad unerlay, and if that is solid black, it will print it black, especially if you have lines merge set on the printer.

In theory, if it shows grey in your view, then it should print grey, as long as the print setup is correct.