View Full Version : 2009 Light Fixtures

2009-03-03, 01:41 PM
Hey there,
I have been looking around for any new light fixtures (RAC 2009).
Has anybody found any lately, other than the 8 or 9 on RevitCity?

One drag about 2009 is that all of my lighting families no longer render.
Still in the dark,

2009-03-03, 01:53 PM
Have you seen all the ones on autodesk seek? there are hundreds. Just type in light fixtures in the search box at the top of your revit window.


2009-03-03, 02:22 PM
Some of the fixtures may reference an IES file that does not exist, therefore the lighting information is absent when you do the render. You can fix this by editing the family to use a generic light source instead of trying to reference an IES file. Also, you will want to open the families that do not render and check that the light source is not hidden by an incorrectly modeled housing and/or lense. I have modified many of my fixtures since RAC2009, and I no longer have trouble with rendering artificial lighting.
To back-up what Scott wrote, indeed, there are many light fixtures available for your download, and many come with the correct IES file for rendering.

2009-03-04, 02:42 PM
Hey there,
Thank you both.
I have looked at these and picked a few that I liked; however, every one of them did not render the light source. I had to go into the family and edit them each. Various problems with each one. But, I did get them to work finally.
(This is when I notice how my family editing skills need sharpening!)
Thank you!