View Full Version : Revision: Change from Per Sheet to Per Project

2009-03-03, 09:43 PM
Anyone run into this were changing from Per Sheet to Per Project does not work??? The numbering stays per sheet.

We've done this before, but with one project it doesn't work.

I tried deleting ALL the clouds and tags - Nope...

If I delete ALL the revisions from the Revision Dialog box and start over, then it works by project. BUT, we're in CA and have 11 revisions clouded and tagged already, so this is not really an option.

We're putting text over the top of the wrong revision number for the immediate deadline but that's a lame workaround...


2009-03-03, 11:48 PM
I have no issue changing either way.

Try setting the revisions to not issued?

Maybe audit the file when opening and try again.

Scott Womack
2009-03-04, 10:54 AM
Tony, was this project originally started in 2009, or was it upgraded from 2008?

2009-03-04, 05:30 PM
Figured it out...

The team had use a combination of "None, Alphabetic and Numeric" to get things to show to their liking... So, when I changed back & forth between Per Project and Per Sheet, it didn't appear to be working correctly, but it really was.

Took me a while to figure that out because we typically use Numeric for our numbering... Didn't even look at that when troubleshooting.

Thanks for the suggestions.