View Full Version : Transparent Commands

2009-03-04, 01:53 AM
Anyone know of a way to use transparent commands without the apostrophe character?
I use VB.NET but an example in any language to help me figure this out would be appreciated.

Alternately if you know another method I could use to change the snap override keys to shortcuts of my own choosing that would work too.

Essentially I want to bind "e" to "End" / "er" to "pERp" / ect at the very best only while a command asking for a point is open, but global would be fine too. I just want to keep my left hand planted on the home keys the best I can.

All the transparent commands I've been able to make so far depend on the that ' to start them.

2009-03-04, 08:48 PM
If you "bind" the key "E" to "End", how are you going to type "Hendllo World!"?

FWIW, I'm not sure you can circumvent the apostrophe ('). However, using the CUI it is quite easy to assign OSnap overrides to the function keys.

Ed Jobe
2009-03-04, 08:59 PM
In addition to what Bob said, you need to understand the use of apostraphe. It isn't part of the transparent command, its more like a placemarker that pauses execurtion of the current command. Any command can be made to run transparently, although it may not make sense to to so. IOW, you don't have 2 different commands, e.g. "zoom" and " 'zoom". The apostraphe is independent of the command.

2009-03-29, 08:43 AM
Not trying to kick while down, but I would say this is like trying to kill a fly with a sledge hammer.

2009-04-01, 02:59 AM
Not trying to kick while down, but I would say this is like trying to kill a fly with a sledge hammer.

why because productivity and personal aggravation in my own unique situation is something I should gracefully deal with rather than trying to make life easier?

or wanting to use .net to achieve it? <--in that case your probably right

My thanks to Ed and Robert for their insight. I suppose without a .netunload command this would be troublesome at times.

I had just hoped to find a way to fight back against a program we use that... on some commands changes the snap settings..... why I'm not sure, but I wish they would delete that portion of their code.