View Full Version : Partition wall?

2004-10-21, 06:42 AM
I have created a wall with the bottom as 4" skirting & similarly another 4" at the top ie 7' .Then i have glass doors of the same style as that of the wall skirting at the bottom of the door as well as the top of the door.
So what i did is i split the wall in 3 parts, assigned another name for the bottom and top wall gave it a material eg: wood cherry. then for the centre portion of the wall i gave another name as glass and material also glass reducing the thickness of the wall.then i created a door of the same stlye ie skirting below. and inserted the door in that wall .
Now i wanted to know is there any other easier method where we can make this kind of a partion wall.

2004-10-21, 06:49 AM
Yes. You need to look in the help or search on this site under "Compound Wall", but basically, within the wall editor you can change the structure of your wall to anything you like, set the thicknesses and assign horizontal sweeps to the top and bottom of the wall. You would not have to split the wall ever again! Every time you draw that partition wall, it will have the cherry trim at the top and bottom!