View Full Version : Beam graphics in plan

jj mac
2009-03-04, 08:39 PM
I really hope I am missing something here, but when I draw a concrete/steel beam I want to be able to control the "stick symbol" representation of my beam in plan, and I am getting really inconsistent results...

If I place my columns and then draw the beams in between them, the beams jump up to the top of the columns. That's perfect! But I can't see the beam! I can't even see a symbol representation of the beam. I have been playing around with the view ranges and the family and trying all sorts of other stuff to see how things work but they are not behaving when loaded into the project.

I am considering a custom "line based generic model" but we lose the benefits of the vertical beam offsets (and many other things like structural settings).

Does anyone know if there is any good literature on how these families are created so I can understand the rules...?

Any help / suggestions / experiences would be greatly appreciated.

ray salmon
2009-03-04, 09:45 PM
what display mode are you in
try setting it to "fine"
other wise you just see lines

also are in plan view or an elevation view


2009-03-04, 10:16 PM
Additionally, it may help to change the "discipline" in your view properties to structural. This could help you to see what should be visible based on your view ranges.

jj mac
2009-03-05, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the tips guys... I tried both suggestions, but still not getting the results I want...

What I would really like to do be able to do is draw the beam on the level above where the beam is going to go. I am okay with setting my view range down say -100mm or whatever so we can see the beams. In fact, that part is working fine. Now however, what's happening is when I drop one side of the beam down even say -50mm (so I am within my view range still) the symbolic line disappears...

Is there any way to change this so I can see the symbolic representation no matter what elevations I give the beam ends?

2009-03-05, 04:09 PM
Try setting your underlay to your floor plan and set the the view to wireframe, you will see the beam line above, you then need to hit it with the linework tool. You should be able to turn off the underlay and back to hidden line and have the beam line remain. The line will move as you adjust the beam.

2009-03-05, 04:44 PM
I'm assuming you are using Revit Architecture, not Revit Structural? I believe the plan views work slightly differently between RAC and RST. But that's neither here nor there.

Let me understand what you're trying to do...

Let's say you have columns that go from Level 1 to Level 2. In a Level 1 floor plan view, you draw a beam. The beam hops up so that it attaches at the top of the columns. Correct so far?

Is the problem that you can't see the beam in the Level 1 floor plan view?

If so, then it's simply an issue picking the wrong view. The beam would be visible in the Level 2 plan, but should not be visible in the Level 1 plan.

Perhaps I'm over-simplifying the problem. Let me know if you need more information.

jj mac
2009-03-05, 05:04 PM
Your right on target saeborne...

From the first post I mentioned that I was first setting the columns (in level one), then drawing the beams. If I set the beam to level two, the beam would attach to the top of the columns... That works for me.

In the second post I mentioned that idealy what we would like to do, which is draw the beam on the level above the level the beam will technically reside on and that works too... If that's not normal practice or is not the most efficient way I am more than willing to be flexible.

The problem is that I can't see the beam at all unless I am looking at the beam from the level above with an negative offset in my view range (for the level below). The other problem is that when I can finally see the beam if I set a "vertical" offset on one side, where if I drop the beam at an end or top of a column, the beam disapears totally.

I guess the way I am thinking it should work is that the symbolic line should show up regardless of whether or not the "object" is in my view range (like a cabinet family) and that when I drop the beam to give a slope the symbolic line in the family will still be visible - it's only a drafting symbol anyway... right???

We are using RAC2009, not RST.

The idea for the linework tool is working really well, I just want to be able to make it an easier process for those in the office that are still "coming around" to the software to help ease the transition from "other" software packages.

Thanks again for all the help

jj mac
2009-03-05, 06:23 PM
Ok I think I found something. If I set the floor to be transparent through visibility graphics then it will show the information I am looking for! It make sense that the floor would be covering up the line. I can show offsets at the columns and the line remains.

Hopefully this won't cause any further complications, but we'll see!