View Full Version : Demo curtain walls = error?

2009-03-05, 09:00 PM
I have an existing wall with a couple of brick sweeps, one at the base of the wall (below finished floor) and one at 8'-8" above the floor. There is an existing storefront window that goes from floor up to the 8'-8" height, so it doesn't cut the sweeps, but it does touch them.

When I try to demolish the curtain wall element, I get errors about "wall and instance have different phasing settings, automatic infilling of wall fails" or something like that. There is a wall infill piece on the new phase, but it contains those same 2 sweeps in the main wall, which overlap the sweeps in the existing main wall that were never cut out in the first place.

Am I missing something here? Am I getting these errors just because of the sweeps in the existing wall?

*edit* I created another wall type with no sweeps, and changed the infill wall on the new phase to that wall type with no sweeps, and it looks fine in elevation, but I still have those errors when I click on the demolished curtain wall.