View Full Version : Odd drafting line behavior

2004-10-21, 04:58 PM
I'm drawing a wall section and have some lines drawn with the Hidden line type. Sometimes when I select the line and then drag one of the end anchors to change the length, the scale of the hidden line pattern becomes miscroscopic, i.e. the dashes become VERY VERY small such that it looks almost like a solid line when zoomed out (or the dashes and spaces are like 1 pixel long on the screen). Has this happened to anyone before? The only remedy I've found so far is to just blow the line away and draw it over again. :(

*edit* oh and it only happens to that one line I edited, all the other hidden lines remain fine.

2004-10-21, 08:41 PM
Not a problem with the line. Just the way your video driver is presenting it on the screen. It'll plot properly. If it's driving you nuts, try going to a larger view scale while working in that view, then set it back to the scale you want when done.

2004-10-22, 01:19 PM
hmm well the problem with doing that is that it's a detail view w/ lots of text notes and leaders, and if you change the scale of a detail, the leaders get all screwy (the short horizontal part coming off of the text becomes skewed) and I would have to adjust every leader on every text note.

Guess I'll just live w/ redrawing the line when that happens. Yes it does drive me nuts. :p

2004-10-22, 01:42 PM
You might want to try installing the latest video driver.