View Full Version : Layer of new wall added to existing wall

2009-03-09, 08:51 PM
I am trying to add a interior wall partition to an existing exterior wall (for a renovation project) The new inner wall is intended to provide insulation to the bare existing exterior wall. When I try to add this new wall, should I draw it right up against the existing wall? This will surely create problems with wall joining (and how can you have a wall created in a new phase joined to a wall created in existing phase?). Or should I leave a 2" gap between the existing and new wall? But now I am covering the existing windows in the existing wall - the new wall should of course have window openings in exact locations for existing windows? Any ideas?

2009-03-09, 10:27 PM
I'm not sure the extent of what you are doing, but if you join the walls, it will automatically cut the new wall where the existing openings are, even if the walls aren't touching, but they have to still be within a few inches of each other. I think that as long as you just show the new wall edge right on the existing wall edge and don't overlap them, you could be fine, but you're right you may have some work to do at the corners, etc.

Hope this helps.

2009-03-09, 10:32 PM
I am trying to add a interior wall partition to an existing exterior wall (for a renovation project) The new inner wall is intended to provide insulation to the bare existing exterior wall. When I try to add this new wall, should I draw it right up against the existing wall? This will surely create problems with wall joining (and how can you have a wall created in a new phase joined to a wall created in existing phase?). Or should I leave a 2" gap between the existing and new wall? But now I am covering the existing windows in the existing wall - the new wall should of course have window openings in exact locations for existing windows? Any ideas?

I have placed a new wall construction right along side an existing one... and yes every so often I have had problems with intersections, but in the end it was what I wanted true representation of what I was doing... as for going past a window... You may have to provide a opening in the wall at the window locations to match up with the existing... You could lock the new openings to the existing just in case you do some field measuring and have to move the windows... then they will move together...

Have fun! :)

2009-03-09, 10:37 PM
I am trying to add a interior wall partition to an existing exterior wall (for a renovation project) The new inner wall is intended to provide insulation to the bare existing exterior wall. When I try to add this new wall, should I draw it right up against the existing wall? This will surely create problems with wall joining (and how can you have a wall created in a new phase joined to a wall created in existing phase?). Or should I leave a 2" gap between the existing and new wall? But now I am covering the existing windows in the existing wall - the new wall should of course have window openings in exact locations for existing windows? Any ideas?

The window will only cut the wall it is inserted into... The second wall will need an opening placed into it... I have placed walls in front of windows before...

Scott Womack
2009-03-10, 10:10 AM
IF you use the join geometry on the two walls, the openings will transfer through both walls. I do not know the effects of joining walls "across" phases, since I have not personnally tried this.

2009-03-10, 12:27 PM
IF you use the join geometry on the two walls, the openings will transfer through both walls. I do not know the effects of joining walls "across" phases, since I have not personnally tried this.

Thanks... One more thing to add to my remeber how to list... and yes it works between phases... so this is good...

2009-03-10, 02:15 PM
Hey there,
Back in release 6.1 or 7, they added that feature. To have two walls act as one with regard to openings and such. Furthermore, you can join two walls up to 6" apart.

Nice feature when furring out existing walls or just having stud furring inside of a masonry wall. I also use this when just adding a finish to an existing wall, like ceramic tile.
