View Full Version : Wraping a reveal around an opening..

2009-03-09, 09:07 PM
If you take a look at my screen shot attached you will understand what i mean...

I need to have a profile of the wall wrap around through an opening....

can it be done without creating something with 28905 steps?


2009-03-09, 10:20 PM
Unfortuantely, the only way I know to do it is to split the wall...which requires 289354 steps to be precise...should be much easier I know.

I don't know how it would work in your situation, but if you look at the attached, you'll see what I mean. Once you split the wall, you are able to "Change Sweep Returns" when you select the sweep you'll see this in the options bar.

Then just set it to 90, and move the new grip you have the desired distance. I actually did use a rectangular opening family, and just positioned the opening right at the end of the wall on the right. I would think the same could work for you.

Hope this helps.

2009-03-09, 11:40 PM
Im not sure what all those pieces are made out of, but i wrap embedded wall reveals around openings all the time. Change Sweep returns, click, grab the blue dot, and pull.

If you consider four steps a lot...

BTW, they dont always respect group definitions either. Or design options...

2009-03-10, 01:51 PM
Im not sure what all those pieces are made out of, but i wrap embedded wall reveals around openings all the time. Change Sweep returns, click, grab the blue dot, and pull.

If you consider four steps a lot...

BTW, they dont always respect group definitions either. Or design options...

Aaron, I tried this with both a wall-hosted reveal and a reveal in the wall type. I was able to get the reveal to turn into an opening, BUT I had to pull the blue grip at the corner slightly away from the edge of the opening to make it turn back into the opening. So that means that the reveal depth where it turns into the wall cannot be the same as the depth where it runs along the wall.

You can pull the grip at the opening edge either into the opening, or away from the opening to get it to turn back into the opening. But if the corner grip is right on the opening, you won't get any return at all.

2009-03-10, 01:54 PM

Im going to venture on a limb and say that has to do with either the offset of the reveal, or the profile of the reveal and the way its drawn. I have several projects i can upload (when revit is done rendering) that have profiles that sit perfectly at the corner. I dont have to drag the grips at all before returning down the sides of openings through the *thicknesses* of the walls...

2009-03-10, 02:02 PM

Im going to venture on a limb and say that has to do with either the offset of the reveal, or the profile of the reveal and the way its drawn. I have several projects i can upload (when revit is done rendering) that have profiles that sit perfectly at the corner. I dont have to drag the grips at all before returning down the sides of openings through the *thicknesses* of the walls...

It works fine for me for sweeps, just not reveals.

Here are 2 different reveals that I have to pull away from the edge of an opening to get the return to appear. This is only happening at inserted openings (like a cased opening family). It works fine at the end of a wall.

2009-03-10, 02:16 PM
I know, im specifically talking about reveals at openings. Ill have to play with it when the system is free. (Poor single core maching rendering.... 28% done, LOL).

2009-03-10, 07:54 PM
Off topic.
Nice brick arch and keystone work. How did you do that ?.Is the arch parametric? would you like to share file so I can understand how you acheived this
Thanks Mark

2009-03-10, 08:03 PM
Off topic.
Nice brick arch and keystone work. How did you do that ?.Is the arch parametric? would you like to share file so I can understand how you acheived this
Thanks Mark

Its a opening family... there is no parameters for the arch just yet...but i have visable parameter for double sided and right and left corner control...

here is the file...

2009-03-11, 09:23 AM
Thanks for reply Michael but can't see file attatchment.