View Full Version : transfer design options to another model

2009-03-12, 09:06 PM
Has anyone attempted to move the items from within a design option set to another file? Copy/paste does not work even if I am in the editing mode of the design option. So far I haven't found any magic 'transfer' button either. It looks like my only route is going to be saving individual copies of the file with each design option as the primary and then accepting the primary option and finally copy/paste and recreate the design options in the other model.
Its worth noting that its a worksetted project and the file the options need to go to will be linked back to the main project file. I know this sounds very clunky and there are better ways to accomplish the same task but its out of my control so I don't really have a choice.

2009-03-17, 02:30 PM
Can you group the objects and then save the group out?

Scott Womack
2009-03-17, 10:48 PM
It cannot be done. Design options are specific to a particular model, and concern specific elements within that model

2009-03-18, 02:49 AM
don't think i did anything special, but I just tried copy/paste with edit option mode on and it worked.

instead of paste, use paste aligned - current view to locate geometry in the same place.

hm... but you really are talking about a whole set, not just one option...

and since it's workset enabled, might just be easier doing what you suggested about createing individual copies.

not exactly sure why you want to do that. care to educate me on that?

2009-03-18, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the feedback

mthiessens, groups save a couple steps but not much

Scott, I thought this would be the case but wanted to be sure I didn't miss something.

KShen, the reason for doing this is that we need to keep a seperate model for the floor and roof slabs to share between consultants. Yeah I know its not the best method but it allows us to convey the critical information while minimizing file sizes to keep performance up.

2009-03-19, 03:11 PM
I just did that on a project (copied design options (an addition) from one project to another), using groups and it worked slick.

Open the option you want to copy.

Go to a 3D view and window select everything. (You'll get all the elements in the option.

Group the selection.

Save the group out as a separate rvt file.

Open your other project.

Open the design option you want the group in.

Load and place the group.

Tidy it up, ie. attach roofs, walls, etc.

You can then ungroup all the elements if you choose or leave it as is.