View Full Version : TrueView 09 won't play nice with AutoCAD 2009

2009-03-12, 10:40 PM
I have a user who has both TrueView 2009 installed, and AutoCAD 2009. He has both because his seat of AutoCAD is a network license version, and when a license isn't available, he just uses TrueView.

For some reason though, TrueView hijacks his *.dwg files so that he cannot open them with AutoCAD. Even if he right-clicks on the file and selects Open With>AutoCAD, it won't work. They always want to launch in TrueView.

He has since uninstalled TrueView 2009, and wants to revert to 2008 in order to resolve the issue.

Does anyone know if it's possible to have side-by-side installs of TrueView 2009 and AutoCAD 2009, and have them 'work' together? Or at least not against each other?

2009-03-13, 12:26 PM
They work together fine.
Why not just open AutoCAD 2009, then run the ._OPEN command?
Or open AutoCAD 2009, then drag+drop the DWG file on the title bar?
Or drag+drop the DWG file onto the AutoCAD 2009 startup icon.

2009-04-28, 02:30 AM
I have a user who has both TrueView 2009 installed, and AutoCAD 2009. He has both because his seat of AutoCAD is a network license version, and when a license isn't available, he just uses TrueView.

For some reason though, TrueView hijacks his *.dwg files so that he cannot open them with AutoCAD. Even if he right-clicks on the file and selects Open With>AutoCAD, it won't work. They always want to launch in TrueView.

He has since uninstalled TrueView 2009, and wants to revert to 2008 in order to resolve the issue.

Does anyone know if it's possible to have side-by-side installs of TrueView 2009 and AutoCAD 2009, and have them 'work' together? Or at least not against each other?

To answer your question - yes you can because I do have a network licensed copy of AutoCAD 2009 installed along with a standalone DWG TrueView 2009 installation. I haven't seen any problems with TrueView hijacking the file open association with .dwg files. When I double-click a drawing file it gives me the option of opening with the Drawing Launcher in AutoCAD or the DWG TrueView app. I have found though that whereas my network licensed AutoCAD takes over 5 mins to send a print job to the network printer the standalone DWG TrueView sends the same drawing instantly to the printer, so I've taken to using TrueView to do my printing/plotting instead of AutoCAD.

By the way I have an old legacy installation of AutoCAD 2004 on my desktop which is a standalone installation and also prints instantly to the network printer so I think there is a problem with network licensing of AutoCAD and our network settings. I'm asking my IT department to ensure that my next installation of AutoCAD coming with my new workstation is a standalone one for that reason, then I can ditch the 2004 AutoCAD.

Robert Smeallie
Electrical Design Engineer