View Full Version : Why are my totals different?

2009-03-13, 04:50 PM
I am running in to an issue with my Life Safety Occupancy schedule. The totals do not add up the same (see attached PDF). The total in the parameter No. of Occupants should be the same as the total in the parameter # of OCC, where No. of Occupants is the calculated value and # of OCC is where we just copy the info from No. of Occupant column. I am thinking it might have to do with the Calculated Value parameter. The formula for the Calculated Value is:

if(Area / Occupant Load Factor < 1 SF, 1 SF, Area / Occupant Load Factor)

note: the Occupant Load Factor is the same as the OLF seen in the Schedule, I just shorten it in the schedule title.

a colleague did the formula.


Mike Sealander
2009-03-13, 06:14 PM
Check to see if you have a rounding problem with integers versus numbers.

2009-03-13, 06:48 PM
Check to see if you have a rounding problem with integers versus numbers.

Both parameters are integers. Does this mean I have to add in the calculated value paremeter +.49? if so, where would that fall in the formula below?

if(Area / Occupant Load Factor < 1 SF, 1 SF, Area / Occupant Load Factor)

Would the formula be:

if((Area / Occupant Load Factor) + 0.49 SF < 1 SF, 1 SF, (Area / Occupant Load Factor) + 0.49 SF)

2009-03-13, 10:33 PM
ok, so with my formula as:

if((Area / Occupant Load Factor) + 0.49 SF < 1 SF, 1 SF, (Area / Occupant Load Factor) + 0.49 SF)

my first floor total matches, but my other levels are still off by 1 (see attached).


found out the answer, should have looked closer. I assumed that the calculated value parameter was an integer because that is what i was told, but upon closer inspection, the parameter was set to Area. I recreated the parameter to use integer and all is good now.