View Full Version : DEM Shaded Relief Maps -- projections

2004-10-22, 04:06 PM
I'm trying to build a shaded relief map from a USGS DEM. It works out great in general, but I need to reproject the DEM to State Plane Coordinates. I don't see a process for that. Is ther e one?

2004-10-22, 04:57 PM
This is a conditional YES it can be done and YES there is a tool for it.

The condition being that your Raster Design is connected to Land Desktop
then in your drawing setting or in the project settings establish that the data
is on state plane, then when you import the DEM file it will ask you to identify
the source Coordinate System of the DEM file, and the CS of your current file
the translation will occur instantly for you.

2004-10-22, 08:46 PM
MJ -- I am using LDT and what you described simply doesn't happen. It does for raster images (e.g. aerial photos with World files), but there is just no reprojection option when inserting a DEM. Unless of course I'm doing it wrong, which a strong possibility.

2004-10-22, 09:09 PM
you don't see this box when you bring in your DEM file
before you attemp you shaded relief?

2004-10-22, 09:26 PM
OK, I've taken a longer look at the problem here.
True, it seems that Raster Design doesn't even
care if the DEM is on any projection best I can tell.
If you are attempting to overlay this shaded image with the design,
perform the shading and save the image and then create
your own geotif, or jpg world file so that when you insert
it to your projects that are properly oriented to state plane
that it aligns itself as well.
If Raster doesn't allow one to write the geo-reference file


You will could use MAP as well.

You cannot correctly insert an image in the latitude/longitude coordinate system.

An Autodesk Mapā„¢ based software product with AutodeskĀ® CAD Overlay Release 14.01 software or later is required to perform an image coordinate transformation.

1. On the Map menu, click Map Tools > Assign Global Coordinate System.
2. In the Assign Global Coordinate System dialog box, assign the global coordinate system to the coordinate system you want for the drawing.
3. On the Image menu, click Insert.
4. Select the image you are working with and click OK.
5. In the Image Correlation dialog box, Transform tab (Advanced tab in Autodesk CAD Overlay Release 14.x), Click Perform Transform.
6. Select the coordinate system of the image.
7. Click OK in each dialog box to close all open dialog boxes and end the command.

Note: If the coordinate system of the drawing is different from the coordinate system of the selected image, the image is automatically rubber sheeted to match the coordinate system set in the drawing.