View Full Version : Framing Plans...Help Please

2009-03-19, 07:07 AM
I started the CD phase of my first two story home and I have a questions on the framing plans.

First, I need my floor framing plan walls to show similar to my floor plan showing door & window openings so my cut plane needs to be around 7'. How do i show my 3d floor jost abv? (next time I'm doing FJ using 2d linework)

Second, I need my roof framing walls to show just like the floor framing, but in this case I need my roof plan to show with dark lines (no greed out overlay). whats the best practice for this, I've spent soooo much time on this it's making me nuts.

Mike Sealander
2009-03-19, 11:11 AM
Switch mental gears a little and remember that a structural drawing is often a view of a floor and the walls below it showed solid, with the walls being cut shown dashed. Set the drawing discipline to Structural (View Props dialog) and that will help. Go into the Visibility/Graphics dialogue and set lineweights for cut and projection to your liking. Hope that helps.

2009-03-19, 01:24 PM
Be careful by setting your view to structural because any non-structural wall wont display.

Framing plan is just a matter of View Range and Visibility/Graphics.

cliff collins
2009-03-19, 03:36 PM
Use an Underlay in the Framing Plan View showing either floor plan below or ceiling plan above as required.

Also, when modeling the framing, use a sloped reference plane, and then use a Beam System--which automates the framing.


2009-03-19, 06:40 PM
having structural walls not showing door & window openings does not help me at all, I need to show all headers/beams. There must be a way using "View Range" and "Visibilty Graphics" to have my cut plane set at 7' (cuts walls and all opening) and still show the roof plan above. using the roof plan as an underlay doesn't seem to work for me, it's greyed out and its very time consuming to line override everything. please help, my framing plan needs to be done by the end of today. is it possible for someone to post an example file? thanks in advance.

cliff collins
2009-03-19, 07:08 PM
Yes--View Range can be adjusted to show what you need above the 7' door frame/headers
and the roof above.

see attched PDF for graphic explanation of View Depth

hope this helps!


2009-03-19, 08:43 PM
set your discipline to coordination

Paul Monsef
2009-03-19, 09:44 PM
having structural walls not showing door & window openings does not help me at all, I need to show all headers/beams. There must be a way using "View Range" and "Visibilty Graphics" to have my cut plane set at 7' (cuts walls and all opening) and still show the roof plan above. using the roof plan as an underlay doesn't seem to work for me, it's greyed out and its very time consuming to line override everything. please help, my framing plan needs to be done by the end of today. is it possible for someone to post an example file? thanks in advance.
I typically trace over roof edges with detail lines, and it doesn't take that long. maybe 5 min... ;o)

2009-03-19, 10:41 PM
On smaller projects that would work fine but most of my homes are very large and complex (see attachment, this the roof I'm working on now) . If you trace over the roof with dark lines you have to make sure to revise it if the roof changes, correct? I messed with the view range for about an hour or so today and I'm still coming up with nothing. What I did as a work-around is duplicate my floor plan, change discpline to structural, and then create a view of my roof only. I then place both views on top of each other on my sheet, this way I don't have to work with line overrides, view range etc.... there's probably a better way but this works for now because of my timeline. Any other ideas out there?

Richard - CSG
2009-03-20, 12:22 AM
having structural walls not showing door & window openings does not help me at all, I need to show all headers/beams. There must be a way using "View Range" and "Visibilty Graphics" to have my cut plane set at 7' (cuts walls and all opening) and still show the roof plan above. using the roof plan as an underlay doesn't seem to work for me, it's greyed out and its very time consuming to line override everything. please help, my framing plan needs to be done by the end of today. is it possible for someone to post an example file? thanks in advance.

We have been using 2 views for this stacked on top of each other. View one is an underlay with a range that cuts all the openings in the structural walls and hides everything else. Walls are set to dashed lines and common edges are hidden. View two is added on top of this and it has all walls hidden and only structural framing shown as well as transparent roof/floors. They will snap right over each other.

I was playing with using a single Reflected Ceiling Plan view (it cuts and mirrors whats up). This might work too, but hadn't had a lot of time to test it out.

2009-03-20, 12:26 AM
How do you "Snap" the two view together? I had trouble doing this

Richard - CSG
2009-03-20, 04:08 PM
How do you "Snap" the two view together? I had trouble doing this

After you place one view, drag the other view over first and if you move it around where you think they stack, you should see some guidelines in either the X or Y axis. Once one of them pops up, slide it along that axis until the other pops up. When you see both axis, you can place it and it will stacked directly over it.

2009-03-20, 05:40 PM
thanks for the help everyone.