View Full Version : Demo Sections

2009-03-19, 04:53 PM
I am using Revit 2009. I have used Revit for a little over a year so I am not a newbie but still far from being an expert.

I have created a set of duplicate views from some floor plan views for the purpose of showing demo conditions on new demo sheets. When I copied these views (can’t remember if I used duplicate or duplicate with detailing) the section cuts came along with them. When I changed the phase filter on these new views to ‘Show Previous + Demo’ it had no effect on the section cut references. But when I drug the views onto the demo sheets, I got new section references for the demo sheets. These cuts were right on top of the section cuts from the original views. When I try to turn the demo cuts off in the floor plan views or vice versa, (using hide element) the cuts do not stay permanently off.
Is there a phase that I need to assign to the cuts themselves? Is there a different phase filter that needs to be applied to the demo or floor plan view? Is there some sort of view dependency that is interfering here?

2009-03-19, 04:57 PM
That's odd, I have not seen section views duplicate when duplicating a plan view. I have also not had problems with "Hide Element In View" not "sticking". Once I hide it, it's gone until I bring it back.

2009-03-19, 06:05 PM
I'm sorry Patricks, I should have mentioned that I also created 4 new demo sections that were duplicates of the new construction sections. They are sections of a stairway that is going to be relocated to accomodate a new elevator and I felt that having demo sections might be useful. They were not dependant views however. But still, I question why I can't turn the section references off in the plan views.


2009-03-19, 06:59 PM
Have you tried tab-selecting to highlight the section you need to turn off, and then right-clicking and hiding the element in view?

2009-03-19, 09:31 PM
Yes I have and normally that works, but in this case, not. However, I think I may have found the problem. I created a set of dependant views based on the demo sections for adding to a set of 11x17 check prints. When I deleted those, the section reference problem went away. But I still wonder if there is an easier way to turn off the section cuts that don't belong to a view. Something to do with phase filters perhaps? It is kind of tedious to go through every affected view and hide each cut one at a time.

My counterpart in the office seems to think that I should be able to change the phase setting of the section cut element and then apply a phase filter to exclude that set of elements.

Thanks again