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2009-03-19, 06:14 PM
Where the heck are my elements???

Using "Show" with both Review Warnings and the element ID selection tool to no avail. Revit can't find a bunch of elements...

Any suggestions?

2009-03-19, 06:25 PM
Here's what I do instead (Sometimes you have to remember you can be smarter than Revit at some things). First I get the ID of the element by exporting the error list and copy the element ID.

Then I go to Tools>Find Elements by ID

I copy/paste the ID and immediately hit the Element Properties dialogue box at the top left. Inside, it will tell me the level and where the selected element exists. I switch to that floor level and then look for a floating line and puzzle piece (if you zoom in/out you can see it refresh). This is because the element is still selected.

If it's not visible at first, it's probably a hidden element. If you still cannot see it, make sure to turn off the view crop to see if it has slipped outside your visible area.

Give that a try.

2009-03-19, 07:05 PM
Make sure it's not something like an element on some phase that doesn't have any view showing that phase or something, or maybe something in a design option.

Try opening a 3D view, with ALL phases, ALL worksets, ALL design options, etc. showing, and see if the element shows up there.

2009-03-20, 11:20 AM
I usually do the ID number method, then a SHOW ALL 3d view in wireframe to track the object down.

2009-03-20, 03:17 PM
It also might be "hidden" within a sketch element.