View Full Version : whats with my detail head?

2009-03-20, 05:35 PM
I'm extremly new to editing families and my attempt at making a smaller detail head is leaving the cutting line disconnected. How can I control this?

I've attached an image.

2009-03-20, 09:02 PM
When you made the circle smaller did you adjust the reference planes that are by default turned off in families?
this might be the problem.

2009-03-20, 09:27 PM
I just tried that. I turned the ref lines on and locked them to the outside of the modified circle. It doesn't seem to have made a difference. Do you have another suggestion?

2009-03-21, 09:16 PM
Can you upload the Revit Family file? .rfa


2009-03-22, 11:48 PM
When you say detail head do you mean callout head?

I am unable to replicate your problem. (See attached image)

Did you centre your callout head on the intersecting reference planes when creating the family?


2009-03-24, 07:09 PM
I'm not using the callout head. I'm using the family labeled "Section Head - no arrow" as a template to create a smaller detail head for detail cuts.

I attached my attempt at reducing the size. When loaded into a project, the cutting line doesn't connect to the edge of the detail head (as shown in the original thread).

I know other offices have successfully reduced the size of the section heads; what am I missing?

2009-03-24, 07:36 PM
I would start from scratch.

File > New > Family > Annotations > Section Head.

I think you must of moved the reference plane (on the right) See attached image from the template file.

I have also attached a Revit Family file that I quickly created now, adjust the size of the section head to suit what you want, make sure the Horizontal and Right reference planes stay in the same position, then move the left reference plan across to your section head.

Hopefully that should solve your problem.


2009-03-24, 08:41 PM
Ah ha! It was the left reference plane that needed to be nudged. Thanks!