View Full Version : Stair Visibility

Allen Lacy
2003-08-27, 02:43 PM
Am I doing something wrong or is this typical stair visibilty? How come I can see through the floor to part of stair below? Settings are shading with edges, and all view ranges are set to current level.

Henry D
2003-08-27, 03:09 PM
I had this same issue. According to Tech support, stair plans are 2D graphic representations so they will show through floors. What I did to hide the risers that shouldn't be seen is to mask them with a filled region.

Allen Lacy
2003-08-27, 03:20 PM
Thanks Henry. That will work for a fix, but I think this should go to the wishlist.

Vincent Valentijn
2003-09-02, 07:43 AM
Thanks Henry. That will work for a fix, but I think this should go to the wishlist.
I should have put this in -Revit Annoyances- post too.. :x Stairs are poorly generated and take too much time already, these visibility problems make it even worse.