View Full Version : Help creating a detail symbol

2009-03-22, 11:57 PM
I am trying to create a simple detail mark family that looks like a stock "DETAIL VIEW" indicator found as a type of Section under the Basics tab - - - but.... I don't want mine to reference actual cuts of my model. I need this to reference 2d details found on sheets generated by others in Autocad. So... I am able to have a flagged tail that flips depending on view orientation, but when I try to apply text for the detail and page number, I cannot get them to "keep readable" even tho the boxes are checked for this.
please see attached family.

I started with New Annotation- - -the Label tool works for my sheet and detail numbers but there are no "flipper" controls to control mirroring the flag indicator. If I use the mirror command to accomplish this after placement in the drawing, the labels don't keep readable.

When I tried to create a New Family-- I can use a Generic model template where flipper controls exist and this works fine to mirror a flag about an axis, I cannot seem to find the right method to apply a label which will indicate the sheet number and detail number.

Any help would be appreciated.

2009-03-23, 10:32 AM
Not quite sure that I understand what you´re trying to accomplish, but in the family editor: Settings>Family Category and Parameters...
You can choose to "Rotate with component" and "Keep text readable" - that might do the trick for you... ?

2009-03-23, 01:07 PM
Just a thought, but what you are trying to do will defeat the reliability that your detail references are correct. Are the details that are being made in CAD something that you may use as standard details for your firm? If so, why not make them and import them into a drafting view > save them to a standard detail library > and then when you put the drafting views on a sheet in revit, use the Reference other View option when placing a detail reference. This will ensure that your references are correct.

Andre Carvalho
2009-03-23, 01:18 PM
Just a thought, but what you are trying to do will defeat the reliability that your detail references are correct. Are the details that are being made in CAD something that you may use as standard details for your firm? If so, why not make them and import them into a drafting view > save them to a standard detail library > and then when you put the drafting views on a sheet in revit, use the Reference other View option when placing a detail reference. This will ensure that your references are correct.

I second that.

Andre Carvalho

2009-03-23, 02:39 PM

Thanks for your reply. That solved the problem for readable text. (I wonder why it is neccessary to check the box there vs. in the element properties box of each label? anyway..... ) Now I realize there is another problem which I had not previously noticed.
The location of the detail number and Sheet number have mirrored, so the sheet number is on top, not bottom. This would be too confusing, so I need a way to keep the detail number always above the sheet reference number.

Andre and Mthurnauer,

I realize that I am defeating the proper use of detail markers and the reliability of referencing "real" pictures of what is happening in the model. In this case, the actual details are generated in and staying on Autocad sheets by others, not brought into Revit.
I have no control on this project re: that... I have true sections and details of my own, but for other engineer's detail pages I have to work it this way on this one.

Thanks for any other direction you might provide.

Trying to forget that what I am trying to do is not the "correct" method for consistent documenting of my project for a moment....... What about the more general question of family creation.... Why the differences in tools available when creating a new annotation vs. a new Family?

Andre Carvalho
2009-03-23, 03:01 PM
Thanks for any other direction you might provide.

You can also create dummy sheets and dummy drafting views in your project. The sheets would have the same number as the CAD sheets. Just drag and drop the drafting views on the dummy sheet (make sure the drafting view contains at least one line too do so) and make it the same detail number as the detail in CAD. Then add you section with the option Reference other view and reference the dummy drafting view.

Andre Carvalho