View Full Version : 2D Component will not move vertically

Scott Womack
2009-03-25, 12:27 PM
Usually, I do not have trouble with these types of families, but I am stumped.

I created his family component, and it insists on placing at a given location, and will move left to right, but no up and down. I even copied the info from one family to another, and tried in it a project started without a template. Any help would be appreciated.

2009-03-25, 03:20 PM
I replaced the 2nd vertical ref plane with a new one and it's working fine now.
Sounds like a support submittal :-)

2009-03-25, 03:21 PM
Hello Scott,

I'm not sure why, but the 15/16" angled dimension in the middle of the detail is the culprit. Originally I deleted the shorter horizontal reference plane that is on top of the “Top” horizontal reference plane. This deleted the angled dimension and one of the Curtainwall Corner Depth dimension/parameters. Then the detail was allowed to move in any direction when loaded into a project. Further investigation led me to the angled dimension as the only culprit. The angled dimension is restricting the detail to the project’s Level 1 (0’-0”) in an elevation view and the project’s X-axis in a plan view???


2009-03-25, 03:32 PM
I thought that it may have had to do with the definition of the type of references for your various reference planes, but that was not it. I am pretty sure that the problem has to do with the same reason that it seems the family busts when I try and adjust the curtainwall depth. and it probably has to do with the combination of how reference planes and reference lines are being used. Question: Is the diagonal mullion length a dimension that you really want to input or should it be something derived through an equation? I.E. if you make the curtainwall depth 6" in lieu of 7-1/4", should the diagonal mullion just rework itself accordingly? I think that this may all relate to why it is not working. I will play a bit more with it.

2009-03-25, 03:52 PM
I have not had a chance to finish this and I have to run. Take a look at the framework I have started.

Scott Womack
2009-03-25, 10:20 PM
I replaced the 2nd vertical ref plane with a new one and it's working fine now.
Sounds like a support submittal :-)

Thanks, I really appreciate it. It was driving me nuts, to the point I could not see it!

2009-03-26, 12:42 AM
Still one for support my friend. :-)
Never seen that before, i kept the family for further investigation :-) (If you don't mind)

2009-03-26, 01:56 AM
I helped out a guy a couple weeks ago wih a generic family that had the same issue, it was a diagonal "check" dimension blocking the movement, and the dim had no real function.

Since this one also had a diagonal dim as the culprit, it seems it may be a general issue/bug.

Scott Womack
2009-03-26, 11:05 AM
Daniel, No problem.

Kathy, I'll have to keep that one in mide as well.